Geomorfološko proučavanje Bigra na lokalitetu Bigreni potok (Donja Bela Reka)


The tufa accumulations in the valley of Bigreni stream are morphogenetically complex. The great importance for the occurrence of tufa, as in majority of other accumulations in Eastern Serbia, has the vicinity of the karst spring. The presence of cascades in the gorge of Bigreni stream enabled primary formation of waterfall tufa. After partitioning the gorge, the phase of the barrier tufa accumulation began. The erosive phase is currently present and therefore, once unique accumulation has been divided into several smaller accumulations. The possibility for protection because of the vicinity of the protected capped spring and the beauty of tufa waterfalls indicate the potential for tourist exploitation of this locality.Bigarene akumulacije u dolini Bigrenog potoka morfogenetski su složene. Veliku važnost za pojavu bigra, kao i kod većine drugih akumulacija u Istočnoj Srbiji, ima blizina kraškog vrela. Postojanje kaskada u klisuri Bigrenog potoka omogućilo je prvobitni nastanak vodopadnog bigra. Nakon pregrađivanja klisure počinje faza akumulacije barijernog bigra. Trenutno je aktuelna erozivna faza pa je, nekada jedinstvena akumulacija, podeljena u više manjih. Mogućnost zaštite, usled blizine zaštićene kaptaže, i lepota bigrenih vodopada ukazuju na potencijal za turističku eksploataciju ovog lokaliteta

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