Razvoj ekološke paradigme - od škole ka prirodi


This work contemplates on the possibility of the development of the ecological paradigm through the process of learning in authentic natural environments. The support to the development of the ecological paradigm is given by the current reformatory processes in schools that increasingly promote the openness of schools and the transfer of the stuffy process into informal environments, natural and social surroundings. Natural surroundings are filled with new challenges and comprise a challenging environment for students where they can explore, experiment, realize the relationships between objects and occurrences in nature. Authentic natural surroundings are a new kind of lecturing situation where they are given a chance for situational, cooperative and studying through experience. Being in touch with nature has effect on the cognitive, affective and psychomotoric development of the students, also on the building of a new kind of attitude towards nature based on the interconnection and mutual conditionality.U radu se razmatra mogućnost razvoja ekološke paradigme kroz proces učenja u autentičnim prirodnim ambijentima. Podršku razvoju ekološke paradigme pružaju aktuelni reformski procesi u školi u kojima se sve više promoviše otvorenost škole i prenošenje procesa učenja u neformalne kontekste, prirodne i društvene ambijente. Prirodni ambijenti obiluju novim izazovima i čine za učenike provokativnu sredinu za istraživanje, eksperimentisanje, uočavanje odnosa među objektima i pojavama u prirodi. Autentični prirodni ambijenti su za učenike nova nastavna situacija u kojoj se nudi prilika za situaciono, iskustveno i kooperativno učenje. Dodir sa prirodom deluje na kognitivni, afektivni i psihomotorički razvoj učenika, izgradnju drugačijeg odnosa prema prirodi zasnovanog na međusobnoj povezanosti i uslovljenosti

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