In compatibility with actual recommendations and policy, which leads to improvement and preservation of integral environment and especially its natural values, it is necessary to implementation active and integral approach to all variety of planning documents. For the needs of the preparation of the Preliminary Design of the traffic artery the inner ring road (IRR) in Belgrade the issue of the protection of the environment has been analyzed within the framework of the special study. In order to visualize the impact of "the IRR" to its surroundings, the solutions of the traffic artery were analyzed from the aspect of the protection of the environment in the sense of definition of harmful impacts and proposals of measures for their prevention or removal. The basic starting point was to get an answer whether Belgrade, from ecological aspect, can withstand the new traffic artery. In this paper will show specified in work in the environmental impact study for City ring road.U skladu sa aktuelnim smernicama i politikom koja vodi ka unapređenju i očuvanju životne sredine u celini, i posebno njenim prirodnim vrednostima neophodan je aktivan i integralan pristup implementirati u sva planska dokumenta. Za potrebe izrade Generalnog projekta saobraćajnice unutrašnji magistralni poluprsten (UMP) u Beogradu problematika zaštite životne sredine analizirana je u sklopu posebne studije. U cilju sagledavanja uticaja UMP-a na okolinu, rešenja saobraćajnice analizirana su sa aspekta zaštite životne sredine u smislu definisanja štetnih posledica i predlaganja mera za sprečavanje i otklanjanje istih. Osnovno pitanje je da se dobije odgovor da li Beograd, posmatrajući sa ekološkog aspekta, može da "podnese" novu saobraćajnicu. U ovom radu biće prikazane specifičnosti tokom izrade studije uticaja magistralnog poluprstena na životnu sredinu