Furongian-Lower Ordovician metavolcanites from the Toledo Mountains (Spain) and its relationship with the Toledanian phase


Ordovician geodynamics: The Sardic Phase in the Pyrenees, Mouthoumet and Montagne Noire massifs International Meeting (2017. Figueras, España)In the Toledo Mountains of the Central-Iberian Zone (CIZ), some scattered outcrops with volcanic and metavolcanic rocks occur interbedded across Cambro-Ordovician strata (Martínez Escorza, 1976; Ramírez-Merino et al., 2000). The authors differentiated two volcanic suites: (i) some volcanic rocks underlying the Cambrian Cortijos Sandstone Formation (VR1), and (ii) a volcanosedimentary complex (VSC) sandwiched between the Valdehierro and the Purple Series. Thirteen samples of both volcanic suites were selected for geochemical analysis. According to geochemical characteristics, VSC can be subdivided into two sets: (i) VSC1 displays similar geochemical characters than suite VR1 and is composed of andesite to subalcaline basaltic andesites in the Pearce (1996) diagram; whereas (ii) VSC2 exhibits a dacitic to rhyolitic composition (Fig. 1). Because of their stratigraphic position and age, VR1 and VSC are associated with the volcanic events of the Toledanian Phase, a widespread Furongian Lower Ordovician tectono-magmatic episode related to generalize tilting, uplift and subaerial erosion in the Central-Iberian Zone.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaUnidad de Salamanca, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaInstituto de Geociencias, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, EspañaInstituto de Geociencias, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, EspañaPeer reviewe

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