Why sugar-free products on the menu? a chef’s perspective


Food was a vital element of living. So many researchers have exposed associations between chronic diseases and food patterns. A food pattern rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grain is beneficial to health, while a food high in sugar and fat was associated with increased risk of chronic diseases. Healthy catering was not just about taking off chips and cooked breakfasts from the menu. Nowadays many people prefer healthy foods but they must be made tasty and appealing. This is the main challenge of today’s hoteliers. An important commercial opportunity exists - providing guests with healthier choices that look and taste good. It was important for the hospitality industry to grasp this market opportunity by offering healthier choices in terms of sugar-free recipes, which customers increasingly want to buy. This study was about the reasons if any which motivate chefs of the 5-star hotels of New Delhi to develop recipes which are sugar-free. The methodology chosen for this study was survey based, conducted among the executive chefs of five-star hotels in New Delhi

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