Commute behaviour of metu campus travelers


Integration of various data sources provided a cheaper way to determine travel characteristics of Middle East Technical University (METU) campus commuters. Radio Frequency Identification system (RFID) data at the main campus entries enabled the study of private car users in detail. The results showed that the campus private car travel demand had a regular urban pattern with a morning peak around 08:00-09:00 and a more scattered evening peak starting from 16:00. Administrative personnel had sharper arrival and departure peaks, while academic ones had a more scattered departure pattern. Students had lagged arrival and departure peaks. Stay time analysis confirmed that 45% of trips lasted less than 15 minutes, especially during the peak periods. A small reverse commute pattern suggested the work trips originated in the housing units on campus. Gate security videos revealed the frequency of use of transit and paratransit services, as well as taxi and shuttles, additionally

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