Мониторинг воспроизводства и влияния фекального прогестерона на репродуктивную цикличность циклов самбарского оленя Шри-Ланки (Rusa unicolor unicolor)


Sambar deer hinds, estrus, progesterone, estrous cycle, Sri LankaThis study examines the length of the estrous cycle in 16 Sambar deer hinds in National zoological gardens in Dehiwala and Kegalle, Sri Lanka (NZGDK) assessed with the use of changes in progesterone concentrations, along with the changes in the profile of this hormone and by the visual estrus manifestations. The objectives of the present study were to characterize ovarian activity throughout the estrous cycle and the non-pregnant luteal phase of captive sambar deer in Sri Lanka. These objectives were achieved with the use of radioimmunoassay (RIA) to measure fecal concentrations of progesterone and visual estrus manifestation. Fecal samples were collected from non-pregnant sambar deer hinds (aged 2–4 years)over the period of six months on daily basis, both during breeding and non-breeding seasons. Estrous cycles were recorded in non-pregnant females, based on fecal progesterone concentrations. The average estrous cycle length was 26.1±2.08 days (mean ± SEM) and 2.10 ± 0.51 days in the inter-luteal phase.The average fecal progesterone concentrations attained the peak mid-luteal values of 2.74 ng mL–1. There appeared to be variation in fecal progesterone amplitude between animals and between dates, but the low frequency of sampling prohibited confirmation of trends. Behavioral estrus was detected only when the average progesterone concentrations were less than 0.07 ng mL–1. However, not all periods of depressed progesterone secretion were associated with the observed estrus. Behavioral estrus was detected in hinds when progesterone concentrations were less than 0.07 ng mL–1; a subsequent rise in progesterone indicated ovulation taking place at this time

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