Development of a national set of environmental performance indicators


Purpose: This study was conducted as part of an EU funded project; “EuropeAid/125541/D/SER/T Technical Assistance for the Establishment of a Turkish Environmental Information Exchange Network (TEIEN)”. The purpose of the study is to develop a set of national environment indicators for Turkey. Methods: The national set of environmental performance indicators was based on DPSIR (Driving forcePressure-State-Impact-Response) model. The selection of indicators was performed based on international indicator sets used by OECD, EEA, EUROSTAT, World Bank, UN and other countries. Five criteria were considered in selecting the indicators; a) national requirements, b) policy compatibility, c) international standards, d) covering the environmental sectors, e) data availability. Results: A total of 76 indicators were included in the national set of indicators for Turkey under the themes of climate change, air quality, waste, water, land use, biodiversity, agriculture, energy, industry, tourism and transportation. Currently, a part of these indicators are in use due to inadequate data availability. Conclusions: Turkey needs to improve in-situ monitoring and collection of data to better implement the environmental performance indicators included in the national set of indicators

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