Geleneksel uçhisar evlerinin yapım tekniği


The aim of this study is to create comprehensive and reliable information about construction techniques of Uçhisar houses within construction processes. In order to that purpose, studies about history and general features of Cappadocia and Uçhisar were reviewed. In Cappadocia region, the development of residential settlements through history was surveyed from the previous studies. Gathered information from literature survey and site survey were assessed together and traditional houses which are representation of authentic houses of Uçhisar were selected and investigated. Each structural and architectural element were drawn in detail, analyzed, and classified by their similarities and differences. Relationship between rock-carved places and masonry structures were investigated. Within the scope of thesis, used materials of houses and local discourses were other important concerns. Via the information came out regarding the study, a basic construction processes of traditional Uçhisar house was identified.M.Arch. - Master of Architectur

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