Moğolistan’ın Kuzeydoğu Asya’da bölgesel arabuluculuk rolü: olasılıklar ve sorunlar.


Northeast Asia is one of the most conflict prone regions in the world, which desperately lacks a successful conflict resolution mechanism. As there would be a high possibility of military conflict at any given moments, an immediate talk between the conflicting parties is necessary. While a great number of scholarly articles have been written about the conflict resolution possibilities in the region, there are not many independent studies on this issue with a focus on Mongolia neither in Mongolian nor in English. Thus this thesis aims to contribute to the literature and analyze the prospects of Mongolia for becoming a regional intermediary in the Northeast Asian region within the scope of Ulaanbaatar’s Dialogue, which was initially started by the Mongolian President Mr. Elbegdorj to settle the issue of kidnapped Japanese people by North Korea between the North Korean and Japanese governments in September 2007 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.M.S. - Master of Scienc

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