Efforts to Develop Bicycle Transportation in Supporting the Internal Transportation System


The Unhas Tamalanrea Campus has green open space which is one of the best urban forest areas in Makassar. This is supported by the implementation of Non-Motorized-Transport by re-developing bicycle transportation management. Campus Green Open Space is an attraction for the community to cycle, for this reason, attention to bicycle transportation facilities and connectivity with other transportation is needed so that vehicle access continues to run safely and comfortably, at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus. This study aims to find out how the services of bicycle transportation facilities, the suitability of bicycle lanes, and development concepts can be applied at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus.  The analysis methods used are Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Scoring Analysis, and Map interpretation. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The respondents taken were cyclists at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus using accidental sampling techniques. The results showed that the condition of bicycle transportation facilities at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus was quite good but still needed to be improved by the guidelines and concept of campus bicycle transportation

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