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Not AvailableThe levels of key metabolic enzymes viz. Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase, Lactate dehydrogenase, Pyruvate kinase, Acetylcholine esterase and ATPase were monitored at varying time intervals in coldwater fish Barilius bendelisis exposed to 5°C. The levels of these enzymes increased to 236.23, 28.22, 68.66, 83.59 and 143.55% respectively as compared to control group of fishes during 96hrs of rearing in cold. The enzymatic values of pyruvate kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and ATPase levels increased considerably (P<0.01) just after 24 hrs of treatment while glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase and esterase increased significantly (P<0.01) after 48 hrs of cold treatment. Isozyme profiling of above enzymes also supports the data visually. Moreover, two more isoforms of Pyruvate kinase were also observed in cold adapted fish specimens than in control group. Twelve protein bands were also visualized when the samples from test fishes were run on the SDS-PAGE, one band of 29kD at Rf of 0.63 exhibited relatively. high intensity in the fish reared at cold temperature as compared to control group. Similarly, elevated levels of Hsp-70 were also detected (p<0.05) due to the cold stress given to the fishes for a period of 24- 96 hrs that also served as an early indicator of temperature stress in fish and played an important role in cold adaptation.Not Availabl

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