Awareness about production technology


Not AvailableThe findings regarding the level of awareness of the farmers about recommended cotton production technology, the majority of the respondent who were found in high awareness category, like field preparation (63.20%), time of sowing practices (49.60%) and method of sowing (64%), whereas medium awareness were found in practices like irrigation management (55.20%) and method of weed control (41.60%) while awareness were found in practices like improved varieties (58.40%), seed rate (54.40), seed treatment (69.40), recommended dose of the chemical fertilizer (55.20%) , and plant production (46.40%). Regarding the adoption of the farmers about recommended cotton production technology, the majority of the respondent who were found in high adoption category, like field preparation (55.20%), time of sowing practices (48.80%) and method of sowing (58.40%), whereas medium adoption were found in practices like irrigation management (53.60%) and method of weed control (40%) while adoption were found in practices like improved varieties (52%), seed rate (48.80%), seed treatment(64.80%), recommended dose of the chemical fertilizer (55.20%) and plant production (46.40%).Not Availabl

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