Exercise Aging and Health: A Proposal Course for Healthcare Professionals and Physical Activity Instructors


To live a long and healthy life is now considered the main challenge of geriatric medicine worldwide. Exercise, aging, and health are key research topics to maintain functional ability that has been considered one of the strongest predictors of independence in old age. Functional ability comprises the interaction between physical and mental capacities in a particular environment. Increasing physical activity is considered a key recommendation in sustainable policies and action programs for healthy aging. Evidence shows that physical activity impacts functional and cognitive abilities and social activities. The contents of training courses related to Exercise Aging and Health are responsible for ensuring an intervention focused on the needs of older people. Healthcare professionals, physical activity instructors, or other health professionals who work directly with older people may need to understand deeply demography, theories, and current policies on aging, physical, and functional changes associated with aging, physical-psychosocial relationships, contextual determinants of physical activity, and exercise prescription in the older population

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