The ways of creating student-centered EFL Methodology classes


The article presents the author's experience of creating the studentcentered EFL Methodology classes. She describes how the reforms and project activities influence the transformation of the system of higher education in Ukraine. The impact of two projects “Ukraine Higher Education Teaching Excellence Program” and “New Generation School Teacher” is specified. There are the examples of positive practices of using project ideas for focusing on learning more than on teaching. The ideas for making digital learning more student-centered are suggested. Successfully organized active engaged learning within small groups collaboration is described. Other student-centered activities used in EFL Methodology classes are presented and specifies. Special attention is paid to the word clouds tools and virtual boards. A range of such modes of interaction as group work, guided reading, jigsaw learning, microteaching, project work, task-based learning, workshop are recommended as studentcentered ways of organizing students’ learning in EFL Methodology classroom. A set of student-centered classroom characteristics is outlined

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