
Regardless of the business, they are all exposed to experiencing a crisis type. Currently, several countries have enacted social isolation due to the Covid-19 virus pandemic, forcing managers and informal entrepreneurs to adapt their ways of negotiating and receiving customers and suppliers to keep their companies running. From the perspective of hospitality between organizations and their stakeholders, in crisis management, this study questions: During the period of social isolation, how did hospitable attitudes and actions collaborate to maintain commercial relations and business survival? By objective, it was intended to identify the actions and hospitable attitudes that contributed to commercial relations and business survival during the social isolation caused by the pandemic of the Covid-19 virus. By propositions: The hospitality relations in business with my customers and suppliers allowed me to prepare my business to face social isolation; The hospitality relations in the business favored positive agreements with customers and suppliers so that my enterprise remained active during the period of social isolation; and, After the period of social isolation, I intend to maintain hospitality in business with my customers and suppliers. Methodologically, there is a qualitative and exploratory approach. For data treatment, Content Analysis was chosen. The results confirmed two propositions and the third, it was not possible to confirm or reject. It was considered that, even without having a more defined notion about hospitality, many interviewees found in their rites the possibility of keeping their businesses active during social isolation.Sob a perspectiva da hospitalidade entre as organizações e seus stekeholders, na gestão de crise, este estudo pretendeu identificar as ações e atitudes hospitaleiras que colaboraram para as relações comerciais e a sobrevivência dos negócios durante o isolamento social provocado pela pandemia do vírus COVID-19. Metodologicamente, tem-se a abordagem qualitativa e exploratória, sendo utilizado para a coleta de dados um questionário estruturado online com perguntas abertas e disponibilizado de forma online, entre os dias 15 a 30 de junho de 2020. Obteve-se como amostra 114 questionários respondidos, cujos dados foram tratados pela Análise de Conteúdo e com apoio da técnica de inferência. Os resultados confirmaram que a adoção dos ritos da hospitalidade nos negócios promove boas relações entre a organização e seus stakeholders, possibilitando os acordos e as parcerias em tempos de crise. Considerou-se que, mesmo sem ter a noção mais definida sobre hospitalidade, muitos respondentes encontraram em seus ritos um caminho para dar continuidade a seus negócios e reduzir os efeitos negativos do isolamento social

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