Role of soluble, cell wall bound phenolics, tannin and flavonoid contents in maize resistance to pink stem borer Sesamia inferens Walker


The pink stem borer Sesamia inferens Walker is an important pest of winter maize which causes significant yieldlosses. In an attempt to identify the biochemical basis of resistance against S. inferens, total soluble phenolics, boundphenolics, cell wall-bound hydroxycinnamic acids-p-coumaric acid (p-CA), ferulic acid (FA), total tannin contentand total flavonoid contents, were measured in leaf at 10, 20 days after germination (DAG); stem at 20, 40 DAG;pith and rind tissues at 60 DAG (stem differentiated). From the present study, it was found that bound phenolics,p-CA, ferulic acid and total tannin contents contribute to the maize defense mechanism against S. inferens. Totalbound phenolic content showed negative correlation with Leaf Injury Rating (LIR). Highly significant strong positivecorrelation (+0.9750) was observed between LIR and total soluble phenolics in leaf tissue at 20 DAG. Similarlyhighly significant strong positive correlation between LIR and total tannins (+0.9354**) and flavonoids (+0.9582**)in pith at 60 DAG was observed. Further, a strong significant positive correlation was also observed between LIRand p-CA (+0.9199*) in pith at 60 DAG and total ferulic acid (+0.9051*) in rind at 60 DAG. The significant strong negativecorrelation between LIR and p-CA (-0.8441*) in stem at 40 DAG was observed. The total bound phenolicsin rind at 60 DAG (0.756), in leaf at 20 DAG (0.681), and total soluble phenolics in the stem at 20 DAG (0.685) showedhigher loadings with PC1, PC2, and PC3, respectively. Genotype-by-biochemical factor biplot showed that thedata of biochemical parameters measured in different tissues and stages could be able to group the genotypesaccording to their reaction to S. inferens

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