
The following publications are abstracts by the mentionned authors;A Preliminary Study of an attempt to Introduce PGCE D&T Students to Designing and the Teaching of Designing in the Secondary School - Abstract by David Barlex and Marion RutlandRemembering the C in D&T: Gendered Perceptions of Creativity and Design & Technology - Abstract by David SpendloveInnovation in Design and Technology: the Polymer Acoustic Guitar and the Case for Relegation of 'The Design Process' - Abstract by Dr Eddie NormanThe Introduction of Practical Craft Skills into the Scottish Technology Curriculum: A New Beginning or the Beginning of the End - Abstract by John DakersMaking Progress? A Discussion of the Concept of Progress in Relation to Design and Technology Education - Abstract by Steve KeirlGlobalisation of the Go: Implications for Design and Technology Education @ 2003 - Abstract by Steve KeirlThe Wow Factor - Textiles gets a Boost with CAD in the UK and Australia - Abstract by Rose Sinclair and Louise DuvernetInteraction, Dialogue and a Creative Spirit of Inquiry - Abstract by J. W. HamiltonTechnology Students' Views of Intelligence and the Implications for Classroom Practice - Abstract by Wendy J. DowIs there a Core of D&T Knowledge? - Abstract by Tim LewisDeyond Pro/DESKTOP Computer Aided Design (CAD): the Transfer of CAD-based Design Modelling Skills from Schools to Higher Education - Abstract by Tony Hodgson and Clare Allsop'It aint what you do it's the way that you do it' - Abstract by Tony Lawler and Martin HowlettThe Presentation of Systems Thinking in Support Materials for Secondary Design & Technology Pupils: A Review - Abstract by Torben SteegValuing Progression in Design and Technology Education - Abstract by Mike MartinElectronic Portfolios for Design and Technology. What if...? - Abstract by Andy MitchellGifted and Talented Pupils in Design and Technology at Key Stage Three - Abstract by Christine Arthingto

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