
With the definition of 'Tennis Elbow' are rubricated a series of pathologies which recognize a common origin in a damage on a level of the myotendon jointing apparatus. A decodification in biochemical molecular key of the jointing apparatus consents to identify a series of microstructures which develop specific functions of a connection between the motory unity and the tendon system. These formations ty ambient such as the one assured by proteoglicanic matrix in which perform the nervous formations wich are appointed to the peripheric control of the rnyotendon jointing. The morphological research led on a level of the myotendon jointings in normal conditions and in the course of insertional pathologia, has displayed howat an insertional level, it takes place deep structural changes characterized by progressive loss of the visco-elasticity . These dates have been put in relation to study of the elbow and wrist joints, in normal conditions and in course of 'tennis elbow'. In particular it has been inquired, in isokinetic, the relation of force of / the 'motor muscles' which control the motory unities of the elbow and wrist joints. In has been observed significative alteration of case control in the peak torque ratio (%) of the an d flex muscles of the wrist (80 vs 40) in the relation of pronators/supinators (138 vs 88). The results of this study suggest how at the base of “tennis elbow' there are biological and biomechanical conditions which determine the arising of pathologia, they condition the evolution and constitute the potential 'target' of the therapy

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