Cleaner Production Implementation At Chicken Slaughtering Plant


Moving towards developed and high income nation by 2020, the pace of industrialisation in Malaysia has been increasing rapidly. On the other side of the spectrum, industrialisation process that is not considering the sustainable development would significantly increase the risk to safety, health and environment. Therefore, Cleaner Production (CP) provides an assessment of production process that aim to reduce the impact to safety, health and environment as well as increase the productivity of the company. This paper aims to investigate the carbon dioxides emission from the chicken slaughtering industry by focusing into five entities namely fuel consumption, electricity consumption, water consumption, wastewater generation and solid waste generation. The methodology used to achieve the objective are direct observation, reviewing relevant documents and on site measurement. It is found that among the five entities, the highest contribution of carbon dioxide emission is from the electricity consumption. CP options were suggested to the company to reduce the electricity consumption and subjected to the feasibility study in the future

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