Clinical Study of Nirgundi Ghana Vati with Nirgundi Patra Panda Sweda in the management on Amavata


Today as man is climbing the step of success, he is moving away from health abnormal food habits, style of living, greed, anger have become a part of his life. The sedentary life style has given birth to number of diseases. Amavata is one of the challenging diseases for the physicians due to its chronicity, incurability, complications and morbidity. Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis) the term desires from the words as “Ama ” and “Vata” the word Ama is the condition which in various ailments in system due to its toxic effect. The Ama when combines with Vatadosha and occupies in Shleshmasthana (Asthi Sandhi) results painful disease ‘Amavata’ The disease is characterized by various features like Sandhishoola in the nature of Toda, swelling inability of joints movements etc. In this research work 16 patients were registered, these patients were given Nirgundi Ghan Vati in the doses of 500gm two Vati three times a day for 30 days, along with Nirgundi Patra Pinda Sweda in 28 days. Results show that significant decrease in the symptoms of Amavata after treatment regimen

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