Open randomised controlled study to evaluate the efficacy of Karsha Vati and Telmisartan in the management of Essential Hypertension: A Pilot Study


Hypertension appears to be the important risk factor of the modern society; the cause behind this is busy and stressful life, absence or less physical activities. A clinical study was conducted on patients, to evaluate the efficacy of Karsha Vati and Telmisartan in the management of essential Hypertension. The present study was designed on newly diagnosed cases of Hypertension. The Aim and Objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Karsha Vati and Telmisartan in the management of Hypertension. This study was planned on 60 diagnosed cases of Hypertension in each Trial and Controlled group who were orally administered with Karsha Vati and Telmisartan respectively. Result obtained from study revealed that Karsha Vati (Trial group) shows good effect in relieving the subjective criteria’s viz, Shiroruka, Bhrama, Klama, Nidra-vikruti, Hrud-dravata than controlled group. There was no significant difference seen between the two groups

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