A framework for ontology-based design assessment for human behavior during fire evacuation


The current procedures in assessing fire performance designs are costly and inefficient, as they require the preparation and analysis of several scenario models, which may change at every design iteration. To address this, this paper presents a way to leverage BIM model data using OWL ontology tools to integrate, automate and provide feedback to the design decision-making process. The paper introduces methodologies from research which are relevant to the presented concept, then expands on a problem identification section, arguing why crowd simulation analysis might also benefit the ontology-based approach. The core emphasis of the paper is the framework required to achieve the process where ontology rules, reasoning and inference are leveraged from existing IFC models, with minimal user input. The framework consists of several components which are described independently, based on a system currently under development. A use case presents the practical flow of the process and some of its requirements and limitations

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