Peran Internet terhadap Pemahaman Siswa pada Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (SKI)


The development of the internet in the world from day to day is getting more advanced, it can be said that everyone already knows what the internet is and the function of the internet itself. The use of the internet is also influential in the world of education, because the internet is able to facilitate learning, starting from making it easier for students to browse learning materials, utilizing social media for discussion, and so on. At first, they were not very active in using the internet, but since the Covid-19, the use of the internet has become more pronounced. The internet is used for online learning, due to conditions that do not allow face-to-face learning. From the use of the internet, the writer wants to know whether there is a role for the internet on students' understanding. The purpose of this study is to find out the role of the internet in facilitating students' understanding of Islamic Cultural History (SKI). There are several problems that the authors found, including how the role of the internet facilitates students' understanding of the history of Islamic culture, the supporting and inhibiting factors, and the teacher's efforts in implementing the internet. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research in which the author wants to accurately describe the role of the internet on students' understanding and after the author conducted research, the results showed that the internet played a very important role in student understanding, where students could access material using the internet, facilitating learning during the pandemic , access video lessons and discuss via social media

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