Computer simulation of a batch distillation column with a reflux divider


The operation of a batch distillation column with a reflux divider has been mathematically simulated to reproduce operational equipment. The operation of the column consists of one or more product recoveries. During each product recovery period the column alternates between total reflux and total product withdrawal, with the product withdrawal period being 2 — 5 seconds. Between product recoveries the column operating conditions can be reset. The basic assumption of this batch distillation simulation is that the column completely equilibrates during the period of total reflux. The determination of the total reflux condition is obtained computationally using the iterative Newton—Raphson method. The significant feature of this simulation is the ability to handle a constant volumetric inventory associated with each contact stage. Two illustrative examples are included to show the capabilities of the batch distillation simulation. The first consists of a four component chlorinated benzene system. The second example simulated the recovery of acetonitrile from the highly non—ideal water — acetonitrile binary system

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