Enhanced Removal of Nickel (II) Ions from Synthetic Wastewater employing Fixed Bed Ion Exchange Column Technique


Jon exchange process is an exchange of ions between a solid resin and a liquid phase. This method is widely used in the extraction of heavy metals in industries like electroplating for industrial waste water treatment. Nickel present in the wastewater can cause serious harm to living beings. It is equally harmful to human beings as well as the environment. In this study, ion exchange process was used to study and enhance the removal of nickel from wastewater which in tum improves the quality of the wastewater. In this project, the removal of Nickel (II) ions from synthetic wastewater using a strong acid cation resin called Lewatit S 1467 in fixed bed column is investigated. The resin is modified with Tetrabutylammonium Iodide prior to the experiments. The purpose of this project is to determine the optimum conditions for the removal of metal ions from the waste water solution and enhancing the performance of the resin through modification. The experiments were conducted under different pH values (3, 5 and 7) and at different initial concentrations of the contaminant (1.8, 2.8 and 3.8 gNi!L) The effect of regeneration on the modified resin is also studied. The removal efficiency and rate of removal is shown in breakthrough curves and the kinetic for the process is calculated. The exchange isotherm was confinned on Thomas model. Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer was used to measure the Nickel ion concentration in order to compare against the environmental limit. Fourier Transfmm Infi'ared Spectroscopy was used for charactetization of the resin. Results from this project will be useful in designing an appropriate heavy metal removal technique using ion exchange process to minimize the negative impacts caused on the environment by industrial wastewater

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