Evaluation of student engagement with differential media for Flipped Classroom teaching


Flipped learning, where the teaching content is delivered prior to the contact session, is an effective pedagogy. Most commonly, video is used for flipped approaches, although many other media are also effective, such as written, audio or electronic resources. The ideal medium used for information delivery is likely to vary, depending on the needs and learning approaches of each individual learner. Is there, therefore, a medium which is ideal for most students, or would flipped learning best be delivered using a suite of multimedia sources for the core information? This project aims to investigate the preferences shown by undergraduate students for different media in a series of flipped pedagogic settings. The project also aims to investigate whether there are any correlations between media preferences and student personality types and study approaches. Initial findings suggest that students engage readily with flipped learning pedagogies, although it is rare for students to engage with teaching materials well in advance of the class session. Early findings suggests that students show a preference for video as a medium of delivery for taught content

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