Performance of surface layer with Asphaltic Concrete (AC) as wearing course and Hot-Rolled Asphalt (HRA) as binder course


Rutting and fatigue cracking are two apparent failure modes in a flexible pavement. They do not only shorten the performance life of a pavement but also require a lot of money and energy on repair works. This study presents a laboratory investigation of combining asphaltic concrete bituminous mix (AC) as wearing course and hot-rolled asphalt (HRA) binder course in road surfacing structure to overcome the problems. Four types of mixtures namely AC with 80 PEN bitumen grade (AC(80)), AC with 50 PEN bitumen grade (AC(50)), HRA with 50 PEN bitumen grade (HRA(50)) and HRA with 80 PEN bitumen grade (HRA(80)) were made as control specimens to compare the performance of the combination of AC wearing course and HRA hinder course, (AC(80)+HRA(50)). Results from dynamic creep test and wheel tracking test confirm that AC is more superior in reducing rutting. The combined mix provides promising findings when it surpasses rutting performance when compared to normal AC. Meanwhile HRA mix shows a longer fatigue life compared to AC. The combined mix (AC(80)+HRA(50)) shows a better resistance towards fatigue compared to AC(80). At low strain level, the former achieved a fatigue life of 1E+8 cycles while a fatigue life for the latter mix is only 9.98E+5 cycles. Thus, the usage of combined mix has potential to improve the road surfacing performance

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