Letter from J.E. Downer [et al.] to [Louisiana] Strentzel, 1895 Feb 2.


[1]Martinez, Cala. Feb. 2, 1895To Mrs E. L. Strentzel,--At our regular monthly official board meeting held Friday Feb. 1st the following resolution was unanimously carried and signed.Whereas on Christmas last there was returned to the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Martinez a Christmas Greeting from Santa Claus, a cancelled note of $1000.00 held by Mr. E. L. Strentzel against said Trustees,--Be it Resolved,That we the Official06386[2]Board extend our heartfelt appreciation for this noble gift, recognizing that back in the heart of the giver the Christlike sympathy, interest and love there is for the welfare of our church. Be pleased to accept our heartfelt appreciation, our good wishes for your better health and comfort in the remaining years of your life with us.Signed,J. C. DownesIda F. WestlakeM Y. Morrow.Mr C. [F?] DiehlHart A. Donner &Mrs G H Lyford0638

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