European Retrofit Network: Retrofitting Evaluation Methodology Report


The research programme, funded by the EU Progress Fund, looks at the potential impacts of construction training in the area of „retrofitting‟ social housing to make it more sustainable, in particular to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This report investigates methodologies for measuring and demonstrating carbon emissions reductions resulting from retrofitting measures in the partner countries (UK, Spain, Poland and Montenegro). The output of this part of the study is a methodology appropriate to measuring the likely carbon reduction impacts through common retrofit measures in the social housing sector, taking into account the likely cost effectiveness of measures, the impact on occupants, the project management challenges and thus the measures that are most likely to be employed in policy and practice. An appropriate methodology is one that can be applied across the range of different conditions found in the partner countries (representative to some degree of the range of conditions found across Europe as whole). Low carbon retrofit has been defined as „incremental improvements to the building fabric and systems with primary intention of improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.

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