RAD Module Infrastructure of the Field-programmable Port eXtender (FPX) Version 2.0


The Field-programmable Port eXtender (FPX) provides dynamic, fast, and flexible mechanisms to process data streams at the ports of the Washington University Gigabit Switch (WUGS-20). In order to facilitate the design and implementation of portable hardware modules for the Reprogrammable Application Device (RAD) on the FPX board, infrastructure components have been developed. These components abstract application module designers from device-specific timing specifications of off-chip memory devices, as well as processing system-level control cells. This document describes the design and internal functionality of the infrastructure components and is intended as a reference for future component revisions and additions. Application module designers should refer to the Generalized RAD Module Interface Specification of the Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX), EUCS-TM-01-15

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