

[Extract] Shrubs or small trees to 3 m high, often slender. Leaves sessile or subsessile to petiolate; lamina usually elliptic to lanceolate, margin crenate, serrulate or ± entire, abaxial surface glabrous or pubescent, glands dark-coloured, chiefly globular. Inflorescences axillary or terminal racemes or panicles (non-Australian) with 4–20 flowers per inflorescence. Flowers bisexual, 4-merous, pedicels thin, papillate, reddish glands usually associated with all parts; calyx free or fused at base, margins often papillate; corolla white to pink, rotate, shortly fused at base, lobes imbricate in bud overlapping to the right; stamens free or inserted near the base, filaments very short, anthers sagittate, introrse, opening by longitudinal slits; ovary superior, globular to subglobular; style filiform, more than twice length of ovary; stigma punctiform; ovules few embedded in placenta, 1-seriate. Fruit a drupe, globular. Seed 1

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