
Abstrak: Pembelajaran daring merupakan salah satu dampak pandemi covid-19. Metode belajar daring, kurang nya interaksi secara langsung antara guru dan siswa, kendala sinyal dan alat belajar yang harus dimiliki mengakibatkan munculnya masalah stress, jenuh, cemas dan kelelahan pada siswa. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yaitu melakukan edukasi relaksasi otot progresif untuk mencegah stress dan jenuh pada siswa selama menjalani pembelajaran daring. Metode pelaksanaan yaitu ceramah dengan slide power point, tanya jawab dan latihan relaksasi otot progresif melalui video dan menggunakan zoom meeting pada 50 siswa SMA N 24 Kab Tangerang. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan pada siswa yaitu rerata hasil pre-post test dari 60 menjadi 92. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan pengetahuan siswa setelah diberikan edukasi tentang relaksasi otot progresif. Kondisi nyaman dan rileks juga disampaikan oleh siswa. Diharapkan latihan relaksasi otot progresif dapat dilakukan secara berkesinambungan selama beberapa kali sesi latihan untuk diidentifikasi tingkat stres agar tampak hasil penurunan stress atau cemas, serta ada deteksi tingkat stres sebelum dan setelah kegiatan.Abstract: Online learning is one of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Online learning methods, the lack of direct interaction between teachers and students, signal constraints and learning tools have resulted many problems such as stress, boredom, anxiety and fatigue in students. The purpose of this activity is to provide progressive muscle relaxation education to prevent stress and boredom in students during online learning. The implementation method is a lecture with power point slides, questions and answers and progressive muscle relaxation exercises via video and using a zoom meeting on 50 students of SMA N 24 Tangerang. There was an increase in students' knowledge, namely the average pre-post test result from 60 to 92. This indicates that there was an increase in students' knowledge after being given education about progressive muscle relaxation. A comfortable and relaxed condition was also conveyed by the students. It is hoped that progressive muscle relaxation exercises can be carried out continuously for several training sessions to identify stress levels so that the results of stress or anxiety reduction can be seen, as well as detect stress levels before and after activities

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