Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on Spanish Cod market


Covid-19 was a pandemic situation that affect the world during 2020, creating an economic and health crisis due to the lockdowns that has affected all the sector of the economy including seafood sector. The subsequent lockdowns create disruptions on the supply chain, affecting the food system. The purpose of this thesis has been to explore how Covid-19 has affected the cod supply chain in Spain. To answer these questions, I have interviewed a processing company and a retail company, doing that, it is going to be possible to show the influence of Covid on the amount of kg that were sold on Spain and where they were sold and how affected was the market due to the pandemic situation. The results from this thesis give an important idea of what should be done in future crises, because is possible to learn from the past and build resilience to avoid that future incidents, would not affect so severe on the seafood sector

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