
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS dengan Menggunakan Media Gambar Kelas IV Sdn 18 Mempawah Timur


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of media images in Social Sciences learning can improve learning outcomes of students in the fourth grade Elementary School 18 East Mempawah. Benefits of research : (1) This study will add to the list of assessment and literature books related to classroom action research . (2) To increase the ability of teachers to implement the strategy of drawing methods, especially in the development of transportation technology learning. (3) To determine the learning outcomes of Social Sciences be increased from the pre- use image media strategy. (4) It enhances the learning activity of students in the Social Sciences by using the strategy of drawing media. (5) To improve the competence of teachers in the teaching of Social Sciences through the application of image media strategy. The results of the study with the application of the method can improve the media image of grade IV student learning outcomes Elementary School 18 East Mempawah Learning Social Sciences. In the first cycle of students achieving mastery value 13 students or 65 % and the second cycle increased the students who reached the KKM many as 18 students or 90 %. Improvement from the first cycle to the second cycle is equal to 25 %

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    Last time updated on 07/01/2018