
Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Kwesioner Etiologi dan Faktor Risiko Kanker Nasofaring


Validity and reliability tests on questionnaires designed for etiology and risk factors of nasopharynx cancerBackground: The etiology and risk factors of NPC is a combination of multi-risk factors of genetic history, lifestyle, environmental exposure, and EBV infection. Currently, there is no publication about NPC's questionnaire. This study analyzed the reliability and validity of the questionnaire of NPC's etiology and risk factors.Methods: The cross-sectional study of the questionnaires of NPC's etiology and risk factors were filled by the used-tryout samples i.e NPC sufferers and their family members, in April to August 2012. The study were done at Anatomical Pathology Laboratory of Kariadi & St. Elisabeth Hospitals Semarang. There are three main constructs, namely; genetic, lifestyle, and environmental exposure. The 74 filled-questionnaires were tested by correlation analysis of product moment for the validity, and the reliability tests conducted with Cronbach's Alpha. The data were analyzed with SPSS for Windows version 17.0.Results: A test for risk family history constructs were valid (p>0.932) and reliabel (Cronbach's Alpha=0.864). A test for lifestyle with a Pearson Correlation were p>0.785 for smoking habit, eating salted fish p>0.793, eating grilled-fish p>0.862, eating pickled p>0.831, drinking alcohol p>0.760, instant noodle p>0.497, food preservation p>0.495, food contains MSG p>0.627, with Cronbach's Alpha>0.751. A test for environmental exposure risk were valid for the exposure to passive cigarette smoke (p>0.486) Cronbach's Alpha=0.789,the exposure of the home environment p>0.658 Cronbach's Alpha=0.832, exposure-related jobs p>0.373 Cronbach's Alpha=0.697, and chronic nasopharingitis are all valid (p>0.900) with Cronbach's Alpha=0851.Conclusions: The questionnaires designed as a tool of NPC's etiology and risk factors are valid and reliable

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    Last time updated on 07/01/2018