
Designing Anti-corruption Comic in Teaching Vocabulary


: The purpose of this research is to design teaching material to help students in learning vocabulary with anti-corruption topic in supporting character education to students in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak academic year 2015/2016. The completed research was implemented to the first semester of eleventh students in SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Pontianak. There were 30 students who actively involved in this research. The method of this research was development research which consisted of four phases: analyze, design, develop, and implement or called ADDI. The result of the research is a design of teaching material comic to help students in learning vocabulary with anti-corruption topic in supporting their character education. The comic was used for one class meeting on Giving Suggestion topic. On the implementation, based on the observation and feedbacks both from the students and the teacher, it was found that anti-corruption comic was USAble for students in learning vocabulary to support their character education of anti-corruption on Giving Suggestion topic

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