Shared teaching practices: integrating experiential knowledge into pre-service mathematics teacher education


Recent research literature seems to expose and challenge a tacit and widespread conception that the knowledge required for teaching mathematics in school is situated outside the school’s professional and cultural environment, and that the authority over this knowledge rests in groups that do not include school teachers. Taking this scenario into account, the mathematics teachers’ undergraduate degree program of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) launched a new experience in 2015, in which mathematical content modules are taught jointly by a school teacher and a university lecturer. The experience holds an institutional intentionality: to integrate professional knowledge emerging from school practice as a formal component of pre-service undergraduate mathematics teachers’ education. This paper focuses on a research project – Shared Teaching Practices – developed in the context of this experience. More specifically, we discuss prospective teachers’ expectations towards the lectures taught by the two teachers, especially the role of the school teacher in module’s conduction. Results indicate a shift in the participants’ perception regarding their own professional disciplinary body of knowledge, and the role of this body of knowledge in their formal pre-service education

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