Children, sexuality and sexualization


The entry below from ‘the sex goddess blues’ offers sage advice about the trials and tribulations of sociocultural and interpersonal shame and its effects on sexual expression, sexual exploration and sexual consent: Confidence in yourself is a lifelong process. It’s sometimes a long and winding road with potholes, roadblocks, and even massive collisions. The best place to start is to know that you, as a person, are worthwhile … You’re worth fighting for; you deserve good things in your life. You deserve to set goals for yourself. You deserve healthy relationships that make you feel good. You deserve to have your voice heard. You deserve to physically present yourself however you want. You deserve to feel at peace with your body. And, if you’re interested in sex, be it by yourself or with partners, you deserve pleasure and joy. ‘The Sex Goddess Blues: Building Sexual Confidence and Busting Perfectionism’, 2014, www.scarletteen.or

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