Algae bioaccumulation capacity for metals in acid mine drainage (AMD)-a case study in Frongoch Mine, the UK


Algae living in the AMD water around the Frongoch Mine, the UK, were collected and identified by microscope. Metals’ concentration was evaluated in AMD water and algae in two seasons (June and October) in 2019 to assess the bioaccumulation capacity of algae. Two types of algae, Ulothrix sp. and Oedogonium sp., were found to be the main species at the Frongoch mine, and they revealed a high capacity of metals bioaccumulation. Concentrations of metals in AMD water from higher to lower were Zn>>Pb>Cd>Fe>Cu. Study results identified the bioaccumulated metals concentrations in algae from higher to lower were Fe>Pb>Cu>Cd>Zn

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