Mem?ria cultural e recorda??o : narratividade e espera no document?rio Cabra marcado para morrer, de Eduardo Coutinho.


O document?rio Cabra marcado para morrer (1984), de Eduardo Coutinho, tem uma conturbada e longa hist?ria de realiza??o. Ao incluir no filme essa narrativa sobre os problemas enfrentados desde a primeira ideia do document?rio, o documentarista prop?e uma intrigante reflex?o sobre a representa??o da mem?ria, assim como sobre a rede entre mem?ria, cultura e hist?ria brasileira. O real e a realidade ganham novos contornos e conex?es pela espera ? ? esse lapso temporal entre projetos e a incorpora??o do processo de cria??o do filme que engendram uma po?tica do olhar e novas formas de percep??o da historicidade e da constru??o de uma mem?ria narrativa e cinematogr?fica brasileira. Os sujeitos envolvidos no projeto s?o chamados para assistir ao que sobrou da primeira tentativa de realiza??o do document?rio, passando a narrar o que foi e como se percebem nessa trajet?ria marcada pela viol?ncia do Estado, em um processo de autointerpreta??o e/ou autoformula??o de suas imagens e recorda??es.Twenty Years Later (Portuguese: Cabra marcado para morrer, ?Man Marked for Death?) is a 1984 Brazilian documentary film directed by Eduard Coutinho, and it has a long and troubled production period. By incorporating in the film a narrative concerning the difficulties faced since the project very conception, the documentarian comes up with an intriguing reflection about both memory representations and the network of memory, culture, and Brazilian history. The real and the reality acquire new shapes and relations due to the waiting period ? the time gap between the projects and the inclusion of the film creation process engendered a poetics of the sight and new ways of perceiving historicity and the establishment of a Brazilian narrative and cinematographic memory. Those involved in the project are invited to watch what was left of the first attempt of the filmmaking, while they start telling what it was and how they see themselves in this path marked by the Brazilian state's violence, in an auto-interpretation and/or auto-formulation process of their imageries and recalling

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