Additional file 3: Fig. S2. Streptavidin agarose pull-down from U2OS cells stably expressing FGF12-SBP. A Western blotting of cell lysates of U2OS-FGF12-SBP and U2OS cells (control) to confirm FGF12-SBP expression. B U2OS-FGF12-SBP and U2OS cells were lysed and co-purification of NOLC1 and TCOF1 with FGF12-SBP on streptavidin agarose was verified by SDS-PAGE and western blotting. C Streptavidin-agarose pull-down from U2OS-FGF12-SBP cells to purify FGF12-SBP complexes under native conditions. Bound proteins were eluted with biotin and separated by 2D-BN-PAGE. Co-migration of FGF12-SBP and NOLC1 or TCOF1 was determined by western blotting