Integrating Habitats Directive and Water Framework Directive Monitoring: Baseline Survey of Natura 2000 Standing Water Habitats in Wales


This report was commissioned by the Environment Agency (EA) on behalf of the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) in 2004. It brings together data collected in 2003 and 2004 from 28 Welsh lakes in 11 Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). The report • collates and presents limnological data collected for the Environment Agency in 2003 for the purposes of site condition assessment, • presents limnological data collected for CCW in 2004 for the purposes of site condition assessment, • provides a series of lake data reports on each of the 11 specifies SACs. Sampling and analytical methods are described and the data presented in the report include; • site information (catchment geology, land use and lake characteristics and bathymetries), • water chemistry, temperature and oxygen profiles, • macrophyte survey data presented as DAFOR rated species lists, • short core analysis for diatoms (required for 19 of the 28 sites)

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