Experimental benchmark and numerical validation of a free heaving airfoil


In order to validate fluid-structure interaction solvers, a one degree of freedom (1 DOF) aeroelastic experiment is performed. A rigid wing with an harmonically actuated flap, is suspended by springs to allow a free heaving motion. Displacements and time dependent aerodynamic forces are measured for reduced flap frequencies ranging from k = 0.1 to k = 0.3. Simulations with three codes of different complexity level are performed for validation purposes: theodorsens model, a 2D panel code and 2D URANS, all coupled to a 1 DOF structural model. Results presented by bode diagrams, show differences in both the displacement and the lift between numerical work and experiment. Although there is an offset, consistency is found between displacements, forces and phase angles in the system for all simulations and the experiment

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