Palaeoecological study of South Milton Ley, South Devon


1. Attend South Milton Ley and obtain 6 sediment cores from 3 different areas of the ley to investigate the impact of discharges from the sewage treatment works (STW). 2. From each of the 3 locations, extrude one master core at appropriate intervals and describe its stratigraphy. 3. From each of the 3 locations, measure the dry weight and organic matter content of selected levels of the master core. 4. Date the master core from each of the 3 locations to provide a chronology of the ley sediments using radiometric dating methods and/or spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs). 5. Analyse the diatom assemblages in five to ten samples from selected depths of each master core. 6. Apply a diatom-phosphorus transfer function to the diatom assemblages of each master core to reconstruct total phosphorus concentrations and in turn determine the nutrient loading history of the ley. 7. Produce a summary report of the findings

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