Značenje tumorskog markera Ca 15-3


In the postoperative course of breast tumor treatment, along with regular ultrasound and radiological assessments, measurements of tumor marker CA 15-3 levels are also used. The levels of tumor marker CA15-3 are of particular significance in the follow-up of patients with metastatic breast cancer. In this paper, the correlation between the tumor mass and the level of tumor marker CA l5-3 is confirmed (1,2).U postoperativnom tijeku uz redovitu ultrazvučnu te radiolo{ku obradu pacijentice, koriste se i vrijednosti tumorskog markera CA 15-3. Vrijednosti tumorskog markera CA 15-3 osobito su važne u praćenju bolesnica s metastatskim karcinomom dojke. I u ovom radu potvr|ena je korelacija izme|u tumorske mase i razine tumorskog markera CA l5-3 (1,2)

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