The Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Visoko


Župa Visoko spominje se u popisu župa Zagrebačke biskupije iz 1334. godine, i to u kalničkom arhiđakonatu. Pretpostavlja se da je postojala već 1111. godine. Arheološkim istraživanjima provedenima 2010. godine istraženo je 14 grobova koji se mogu datirati u novovjekovno razdoblje. Među istraženim grobnim cjelinama prednjače ukopi muškaraca, prosječne doživljene starosti od 45,5 godina, potom slijede ukopi žena prosječne doživljene starosti od 37,5 godina, a pronađen je tek jedan ukop djeteta. Od četrnaest istraženih grobova polovica je imala nalaze. Pokojnici se sahranjuju odjeveni i uz svoje nabožne predmete. Nalazi u grobovima mogu se podijeliti na funkcionalne predmete, dakle na one koji se vežu uz svakodnevni život, i na devocionalije ili na predmete koji se vežu uz novovjekovnu pobožnost. Analizom predmeta pronađenih u Visokom može se zaključiti da su tamošnji vjernici u potpunosti prihvatili post-Tridentsku pobožnost i pobožne običaje onoga vremena, kao i običaje odijevanja i sahranjivanja. Ostaci čavala sugeriraju na to da su uglavnom sahranjeni u sanducima, ponekad u mrtvačkom platnu, ne poštujući previše ukopna mjesta, što je pokazatelj toga da grobovi nisu bili obilježeni.The parish of Visoko is mentioned in the list of parishes of the Zagreb diocese from 1334, more specifically, in the Kalnik archdeaconry. The list assumes that the church existed as early as the year 1111. Archaeological excavations conducted in 2010 have investigated 14 graves that can be dated to the early modern period. Among the excavated graves, the burials of men, with an average life expectancy of 45.5 years, are predominant, followed by the burials of women, with an average life expectancy of 37.5 years, while only one burial of a child has been found. Of the 14 graves excavated, there were discoveries in half. The deceased were buried dressed and with their devotional objects. The discoveries in graves can be divided into functional objects, i.e., those related to everyday life, and devotional objects or objects associated with modern piety. Based on the analysis of the objects found in Visoko, it can be concluded that the believers there fully accepted the post-Tridentine piety and the pious customs of the time, as well as the dressing and burial customs. Nail remains suggest that they were mainly buried in coffins, sometimes in a shroud, not paying much attention to burial sites, which indicates that the graves were not marked

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