Identification keys for nymphae and larvae of the ixodid species Ixodes ricinus


rpelji šikare obligatni su, hematofagni ektoparaziti koji su biološki i mehaničkih vektori uzročnika zaraznih i parazitskih bolesti. Rezervori su raznih virusa, bakterija, protista i oblića, koji uzrokuju bolesti životinja i ljudi. Unutar porodice krpelja šikare (Ixodidae) na području palearktičke regije vrsno je najbrojniji rod Ixodes, kojemu pripada 59 vrsta krpelja koje se međusobno morfološki razlikuju. Vrsta Ixodes ricinus na europskom je području najraširenija vrsta i sposobna je prenijeti mnoge uzročnike bolesti, što je čini najvažnijim vektorom mnogih krpeljno-prenosivih bolesti. Stoga je cilj ovog stručnog rada bio slikovno prikazati morfološke ključeve kako bismo olakšali identifikaciju te vrste krpelja te potrebitim ekspertima omogućili pravodobno postavljanje sumnje na bolesti koje ona prenosi.Hard ticks are obligate, hematophagous ectoparasites that are biological and mechanical vectors. They are reservoirs of numerous viruses, bacteria, protists and helminths that cause infectious diseases in animals and humans. Within the Ixodidae family in the Palearctic region, the genus Ixodes is most numerous and includes 59 hard tick species which are morphologically different. The Ixodes ricinus species is the most widespread hard tick species in Europe which makes it the most notable vector of many tick-borne diseases. Therefore, the aim of this professional paper was to present morphological keys to facilitate the identification of this species, and thus allows on time the necessary experts and laypersons to suspect and diagnose certain diseases whose causative agents can be transmitted by this species

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