Electrical Power Distribution System Reconfiguration: Case Study of a Real-life Grid in Croatia


This paper describes the application of a nonlinear model predictive control algorithm to the problem of dynamic reconfiguration of an electrical power distribution system with distributed generation and storage. Power distribution systems usually operate in a radial topology despite being physically built as interconnected meshed networks. The meshed structure of the network allows one to modify the network topology by changing the status of the line switches (open/closed). The goal of the control algorithm is to find an optimal radial network topology and optimal power references for controllable generators and energy storage units that will minimize cumulative active power losses while satisfying all system constraints. The validation of the developed algorithm is conducted in a case study of a reallife distribution grid in Croatia. Realistic simulations show that large loss reductions are feasible (more than 13%), i.e., the developed control algorithm can contribute to significant savings for the grid operato

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