Bioetički aspekti robotike u kirurgiji


Julian Huxley, founder and the first Director-General of UNESCO, is at the heart of contemporary debates on the nature and objectives of the concept of transhumanism, which he first used in the early 1950s. Therefore, the analysis of his idea of transhumanism - a tool to improve the quality of life and the condition of man - should lead us to question his heritage in terms of philosophy that inspires UNESCO’s action as it seeks to build a comprehensive approach to artificial intelligence that takes into account, among other things, the values and principles of universal ethics and aims to derive the best from the use of this technology.This title where the British biologist, the elder brother of the famous science fiction writer, Aldous Huxley, author of the Brave New World1, coexists with the United Nations Organization in charge of Education of Science and Culture is obvious for those who know the history of this international organization or who like radio games: Julian Huxley was appointed as the first Director-General of UNESCO in 1946. But, beyond this evidence, there is a deeper link that highlights the history of the renewal of the idea of transhumanism (I) and questions about the role that UNESCO has, among the other international organizations (II)Julian Huxley, osnivač i prvi generalni direktor UNESCO-a, u središtu je suvremenih rasprava o prirodi i ciljevima koncepta transhumanizma, koji je prvi put upotrijebio početkom pedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Analiza njegove ideje o transhumanizmu - alatu za poboljšanje kvalitete života i stanja čovjeka - trebala bi nas, stoga, dovesti do toga da njegovu baštinu propitkujemo u smislu filozofije koja nadahnjuje UNESCO-vo djelovanje jer želi izgraditi cjelovit pristup umjetnoj inteligenciji koji uzima u obzir, između ostalog, vrijednosti i principe univerzalne etike i teži upotrijebiti najbolje od te tehnologije. Naslov ovog rada, u kojem britanski biolog, stariji brat slavnog pisca znanstvene fantastike Aldousa Huxleyja, autora romana “Hrabri novi svijet”, koegzistira s organizacijom Ujedinjenih naroda za obrazovanje znanost i kulturu, razumljiv je za one koji znaju povijest ove međunarodne organizacije ili one koji vole radijske igre: Julian Huxley imenovan je prvim generalnim direktorom UNESCO-a 1946. godine. No, osim ovih činjenica postoji i dublja poveznica koja ističe povijest obnove ideje transhumanizma (I) i propituje ulogu UNESCO-a među ostalim međunarodnim organizacijama (II)

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